Domestic/international IP rights database
- Utilization of IP information
- Domestic/international IP rights database
- Operating Data
Management Center - Operating Patent
Management Digitization Center - Constructing Korean
Patent Abstracts (KPA) DB
Korean Patent Abstracts (KPAs) are English abstracts of Korea patent publication, published by the Korean Intellectual Property Office, to improve the protection of domestic patent technology overseas and to prevent global disputes over intellectual property rights in advance. The Korea Institute of Patent Information distributes the KPAs to overseas intellectual property offices and related institutions for free by constructing quality KPA DB. Searches can be conducted for free of charge via the Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) (
Produce KPAs
We construct KPA DB, utilizing bibliographical information, summary and the representative drawings of Korea patent publications (registered patents and open patents)
Status of Production: (Registered patent) Jan. 1979 - Present, (Open patent) Jan. 1999 - Present
Distribute KPA
Domestic/overseas distribution through mail (CD-ROM) or on-line (FTP)
Utilize KPA
KPA Searches are available through Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) and overseas Intellectual Property Office search service (Espacenet & Patentscope, etc.)
Composition and contents of KPA
Provide bibliographical information
- Number and Date
- Open (Registration) Number, Open (Registration) Date, Date of Notice, Application Number, Filing Date
- Patent Classifications
- International Patent Classification (IPC), Cooperative patent classification (CPC)
- Personal Information
- Patent applicant (Or patentee), Inventor
- Claim of Priority
- Number, data and country of the claim of priority
- Preceding Technology Survey Literature
- Patent, utility model and non-patent literature
- Name of Invention
- Translation of the name of invention of patent publication into English
- Abstract
- Translation of the summary of patent publication into English
Representative drawing
- Representative drawing
- Representative drawing of patent publication
- Representative drawing English information
- Translation of Korean in the Representative drawing into English
- 담당부서
- KPA사업팀
- 담당자
- 박희웅
- 연락처
- 02-6915-1458