- History
- Oct. 2018Obtained the accredited observer status at WIPO
- Jun. 2017 Designated as IP Smart Creation Center
- Nov. 2015Designated as an institution specializing in industrial property rights information
- Jun. 2014Opened the International Patent Assistance Center
- Jun. 2012Opened the Business Secret Protection Center
- Nov. 2011Designated as an institution specializing in providing industrial property rights information
- Jul. 2011Added the Patent Information Promotion Center, as a subsidiary institution
- Apr. 2007Designated as ‘other public institution’ by the “Act on the Operation of Public Institutions”
- Jan. 2003Launched the Electronic Patent Support Center
- May. 2002Operated the Data Management Center
- Jan. 2002Operated the Patent Customer Call Center of Korean Intellectual Property Office
- Dec. 2001Incorporated independently as Korea Institute of Patent Information Foundation (Civil Act Article 32)
- Sep. 1998Implementated the KIPRIS Internet Service
- May. 1998Published the Korean Intellectual Property Office CD-ROM and designated as a distributor of KPA electronic data with a fee
- Oct. 1997Designated as Patent Document Digitization Center (Patent Act Article 217 Clause 2)
- Jul. 1996Implementated the KIPRIS commercial service
- Jul. 1995Established the Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Center attached to Korea Invention Promotion Association (Invention Promotion Act Article 21)
Award Winning History
- Feb. 2014Won a commendation awarded for meritorious institution in the “Promotion of Government 3.0” by the Ministry of Security and Public Administration
- Sep. 2010Certified by ISO27001 International Standard for Information Security
- Oct. 2006Designated as the winner of the National Productivity Award sponsored by the Korea Productivity Center
- Jun. 2006Won the grand prize in the public sector in the “2006 Korea Service Grand Prix” sponsored by the Korean Standards Association
- Dec. 2005Certified for Service Quality (SQ) Certification sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy and Korean Agency for Technology and Standards
- Jun. 2005Won the grand prize in the public sector in the “2005 Korea Service Grand Prix” sponsored by the Korean Standards Association
- Nov. 2004Certified by ISO9001 (domestic and international intellectual property and technology information survey, analysis and management, etc.)
- Sep. 2004Won the “grand prize in the quality management sector in Korean Quality Management Award” sponsored by the Korea Management Association
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- 김재영
- 연락처
- 02-6915-1456