
Patent consultation service

We answer people’s curiosities by providing quality consulting services (Phone, chatting consulting, and PC remote support, etc.) in all areas of intellectual property rights, including KIPOnet system, patent, utility model, design and trademark, etc. through the operation of the Patent Customer Consulting Center, create intellectual property rights; and support the protection of the rights and interests.
※ The service above is provided only in Korean. If you have any inquiries, please refer to the following link.
  • In-Bound call
    Phone consulting service (1544-8080)

    We provide domestic and international (PCT, Madrid and Hague) intellectual property rights-related consulting service through the key number (1544-8080)

    We provide KIPOnet and Electronic patent application consulting service

    Chatting consulting service

    A consulting service for speech-impaired or hearing-impaired people and smartphone users

  • Out-Bound call
    We provide PC remote consulting service

    A consulting service that help customers to solve errors of electronic patent application SW while sharing customer’s PC screen

    Phone consultation reservation service

    Callback service that allows a counselor to call the customer for consultation when making a reservation

    Happy Call Service

    A service to check if the problem is solved after the completion of consulting and provide additional information

    Text sending service

    Service that informs the customer of the public notice, the arrival of the annual registration fee payment period, etc., by sending text messages in advance of the service